These commissioned pieces from April 2017, were for a new customer who came to me with a very touching story.
Samantha was about to buy a train pass with coins she was putting into a ticket machine. The change fumbled and one rolled out into the street. A gentlemen in the line behind her ran out and retrieved her coin. Later, while on the train, they developed a friendship because of the coin. In time their relationship blossomed, and they decided to have the coin made into a promise ring.
Later, the couple decided to get married and wanted to commission 14kt gold wedding rings. Their original promise ring was not made of precious metal, and it needed to be modified to balance the design. I was able to make a cast of the impression of the gold coin from the promise ring and incorporate the impression into the new gold rings.
The first photo is the modified version of the gents ring with a brass rim added to its edge, just after it came out of the rubber mold. The second photo is the ladies ring, modified with the brass rim but polished. At that stage, the mold was made, and the wax models were cast in gold.
A beautiful unique set a memorable love story.